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Fred's Christmas Journey

Posted 22.12.21

Relax and enjoy the festive journey of our fictional character, Mr Fred Revere, a lover of all things Turnbull & Asser and the joys and spirit of the Christmas period. From choosing his first party outfit to relaxing by the fire on Christmas Day. Discover his festive itinerary and an array of Turnbull style inspiration along the way.

5th November
Fred is Getting Festive (Early)

Before Bing Crosby becomes gospel or the Oxford Street Christmas lights twinkle away, Turnbull's Mr Fred Revere is giddy with excitement, for his festive season is about to begin. Impatient as ever, he rushes home from the shops, Berry Bros, brie, baubles, and blinis; he now has the finishing touches for tonight’s Christmas soiree. The soft crackle of carols play from an old vinyl as Fred joyfully bounces to findtonight’s outfit, options piled high, he finally settles on black tie, “perfect”.

25th November
Family and Festivities

Fred wasn't sure why his pumpkin pie always tasted so good, but he wasn’t going to question the process now. Ever since his cousin moved to London from New York, Fred was always invited for Thanksgiving and always supplied the pumpkin pie. Stepping inside from the biting November chill, the warming, blended aroma of a roaring fire, roasting turkey and spiced amber candles delivered the cosy embrace he yearned for. The sound of bellowing laughter and clinking of glasses rolled down the hall, and some last-minute catering scrambles could be heard happening in the kitchen. Fred hung up his coat, and with a grin stretching from cheek to cheek, he joined the friendly chaos of the dining room. “Fred! You made it old chap!”.

8th December
A Gift for Everyone

Fred treasures Christmas shopping for two reasons; he gets to have a delicious lunch at 45 Jermyn Street, and he gets to visit Turnbull & Asser. "Hello James, nice to see you again" Fred roars as he strides into the store. "Hello again, Mr Revere" James Cook replies, attempting to take Fred's coat and scarf as he starts to browse the wall of socks.

Christmas list in hand, Fred begins collecting gifts for his lucky listees, reciting aloud as he picks. “Bright red socks for Richard’s stocking, matching pyjamas for Auntie Alice and Uncle Ernie. Of course, a Bond shirt for Bobby, Timothy will love these ties , and a knitted jumper for George.” With everything immaculately gift-wrapped, Fred waves goodbye to the Turnbull staff and jumps into a black cab, happy as ever, knowing he is one step closer to the best Christmas yet.

20th December
A Ridiculous Tradition

Fred walks around the side of his car, having one last token tug on the ropes precariously securing his pre-decorated Christmas tree – a ridiculous tradition that involves his family applauding his arrival later that evening, baubles and all. Setting off down the road, Fred leans down to turn on Turnbull & Asser’s Christmas playlist. The steam from his travel mug begins to fog the windows with condensation as passing cars peer in to see Fred belting Christmas songs beautifully out of tune. Thankfully for them, he finally pulls off the motorway and continues down quiet country lanes, politely reminding rural Kent of the chorus to Wham’s Last Christmas… Just in case they forgot.

25th December
Merry Christmas

The soft remedial glow from the roaring fire draws a slow yawn from Fred as he finally submits to Christmas Day. A distant chime of carols softly sings from the kitchen radio as Fred gazes upon the half-finished board games, bin bags of wrapping paper, and the sparkling silver aluminium cups of forgotten mince pies that lay scattered around the lounge. Since the first nephew screamed, “it’s Christmas!” from the landing at 5am, the house has been a nonstop barrage of festive disorder. A twister of tinsel and sherry, with the odd rendition of Fairytale of New York. It's a concoction unique to every family and one Fred wouldn't change for the world.

Merry Christmas from all at Turnbull

As Seen on Fred



Illustrations by Sally Pring


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